For more information visit https://kwcooksbards24.aethelmearc.org/
Known World Cooks and Bards 2024 is an inter-kingdom event that aims to provide multiple immersive experiences in a setting like none other. Our site in New York State’s Southern Tier region features three lodge buildings and at least six distinct campground areas with cabins and platform tents. Here’s the best part: Every one of those camping areas has a fire pit, ready for bards to gather around!
We hope to match classes and bardic circle themes to the culinary efforts of the talented cooks so that the menu, the learning, and the entertainment all go together to create a cohesive experience. There will also be ample opportunities throughout the evenings for general bardic, both in the main hall and around the campground.
After two days of exploring an entire world of pre-17th century song, story, poem, and performance, the event will culminate in a grand feast on Sunday, where we will come together to enjoy the best of the SCA’s food, drink, and of course, the bardic arts.
Additional activities we hope to offer include opportunities to record on-site, sponsored challenges and informal bardic circles, merchants, and more.
And of course, no KWCB would be successful without classes! We actively seek classes on all aspects of the bardic arts, especially period research, performance technique, coaching sessions, workshops, roundtables, and topics ranging from the serious to the silly.
More information about the event is available on the event website.