North Tower Archery Company

an archer holds an bow and arrow while hesits on a fantasy creature

Endewearde has an archery company which meets for outdoor archery practice when seasonally appropriate.

Practices are listed in the Baronial Calendar.

The Company

Target archery has been a prominent feature in Endewearde for over twenty years. In those years the Barony has seen numerous members join the East Kingdom Champion’s team, as well as serving the Kingdom as Northern Region Commander, and Captain General. Many of our members have earned the high ranks of Master Bowman and Grandmaster Bowman within the Royal Round system. The Barony even boasts the thirteenth Eastern Archer to ever achieve the fabled rank of Ludicrous Bowman among its number.

At practices, held weekly from late April to early October, archers of all ages and skill levels work to improve their Royal Round scores and practices at fun novelty shoots. With plenty of experienced archers eager and able to teach beginners and help anyone improve their skills, all are welcome even if you need to make use of loan gear to do so. The season ends with the Endewearde Hunt, a weekend long archery event in mid October that celebrates the achievements made by the archers of Endewearde over the past year as they compete to become Endewearde’s First Archer. But even after the last arrow flies, archery does not cease. Over the cold winter months we gather together for workshops on arrow make, indoor exercises, and discussions on technique. 

Whether you are a five year old novice, an eighty year old grandmaster, or anywhere in between all are welcomed in the North Tower Archery Company. Look on the Baronial Calendar for when the next practice is scheduled.


CURRENT FIRST ARCHER: Alan of Whitleseie

Royal Rounds

The archery company participates in the East Kingdom Royal Round Rankings. Here archers shot 6 arrows at standard size 60cm targets at 20, 30, and 40 yards followed by 30 second timed shoot at the 20 yard target. Once the scores are tallied and three score average is achieved then the archer is given a rank based on that average.

Below you will find a blog post showcasing Endewearde’s current Royal Round Rankings. For the full East Kingdom list check out the East Kingdom Archery website.