
Welcome to the Barony of Endewearde!

Whether you are new to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)  and have never attended an event, or an experienced SCAdian who has relocated to the lands of our fair barony, we welcome you!

Our newcomer officers, called “chatelaines”, are members dedicated to assisting newcomers learn about current and upcoming SCA activities, SCA culture, and answering questions about many things of interest to those new to the Barony. However, please feel free to ask any member a question — more often than not everyone is happy to help!

Barony of Endewearde Chatelaines

  • Eoin an Doire (pronounced “Owen”) is the primary newcomer contact for the central Maine Barony of Endewearde. He can be reached by email at
  •  Thomas de Marr is the main newcomer contact person for the Canton of Basingestoches in the Bar Harbor & Ellsworth area. He can be reached at
  • –VACANT– is the newcomer contact for the Canton of Wyndriche in the greater Unity area. She can be reached by email at

Get Involved in Endewearde

We would like to learn more about you, and your areas of interest in the SCA. We have local activities running each week in the greater Bangor, Unity/Waterville and Bar Harbor & Ellsworth areas. Check our calendar for additional information.

We also have a presence on social media via the Endewearde facebook page (requires facebook account and moderator approval to join). Some local activities may request participants contribute a small fee to help cover the expense of consumable materials.

Please contact one of the chatelaines for assistance in understanding what to bring for your comfort to an SCA event, what to pack for dayboard and evening feast, and to make arrangements to borrow appropriate clothing (called “garb”) for an event.

We suggest that you write to them and mention that you would like to learn more about attending your first SCA event, what local activities are being offered, and where the other SCA groups are located in Maine. If you need to borrow medieval clothing for this event (such as a simple tunic you can wear over everyday clothing) please let them know ahead of time so they can help you find find a comfortable tunic in your size.