Question: Can my children bring their friends with them to a SCA event?
Yes, if you follow the steps below.
How To Bring Guest Children to SCA Events
Attendees who plan to take part in events held in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) often include their children’s friends or other children who are not part of their immediate nuclear family (ie. grandchildren, nieces, younger siblings, cousins). Pre-planning is required to complete the paperwork forms and to arrange to visit a Notary Public to have documents prepared and notarized for each guest child.
A Minor in the SCA is defined as someone under the age of 18 years old.
The Adult responsible for a Guest Minor MUST follow meet this criteria if they plan to bring someone else’s child with them to a SCA event.
(1) The Adult responsible for the Guest Minor must be over the age of 21 years old to bring a Guest Minor to a SCA event. This adult is responsible for the Guest Minor at all times.
(2) Before the SCA event, a Parent or Legal Guardian of the Minor must complete the SCA form called Minor Consent to Participate and Hold Harmless Agreement (single Minor) or complete a Family Minor Waiver (more than one Minor). The form(s) is presented when the Adult Responsible for the Guest Minor checks in at gate to pay entrance fees. These forms do not authorize any type of medical treatment for the Guest Minor in case of an emergency.
(3) Before the SCA event, the Parent or Legal Guardian of the Minor must prepare the SCA form Medical Waiver for Minors (USA version) and have it notarized by a Notary Public. The Guest Minor and the adult responsible for the minor must each carry this form with them while at the SCA event. In addition the parent or legal guardian of the minor must have a copy of this form. Please plan ahead to allow enough time to have forms for each child notarized prior to the SCA event you plan to attend.
Questions regarding Minors attending Barony of Endewearde SCA events or practices should be directed to the person coordinating the SCA event or practice. SCA events are run by an “Event Steward” or “Autocrat”. Youth activities either have “Youth Marshals”(Youth Combat or Youth Fencing) or a local SCA youth activities coordinator known as the “Chancellor Minor”.
Please contact the Seneschal (administrative head) of the Barony of Endewearde if you need more information by email: seneschal@endewearde.eastkingdom.org
SCA Waivers and Sign In Sheets webpage accessed at http://seneschal.eastkingdom.org/docs/waivers.php
SCA Waivers were found on the Society for Creative Anachronism through http://www.sca.org/docs/waivers.html
and accessed on February 12, 2015. This webpage is part of the SCA’s Documents and Policies website at http://www.sca.org/docs/