Macomber Mill Rd
Eastbrook, ME 04634
Our Baron Ane du Vey and Baroness Sylvia du Vey summon all their worthy Heavy List warriors to their list field on September 15th 10am. There the fighters will face each other in honorable combat for the title of Endeweardes Baronial Heavy List Champion under the watchful eyes of our current Champion Misha of Endewearde. Each warrior shall present themselves on the field with a herald of choice, tourney shield for the list tree and all weapons they are Authorized to use. All fighters from near and far are welcome to challenge themselves on the field but only an Endeweardian may win the Championship.
To the fair people of Endewearde does Misha send an invitation to wager their knowledge and items on who will win each fight! There will be betting again this year and a prize for the one who wins the largest purse by tourney’s end. Heralds are needed to sing the worthy praises of our mighty warriors and urge them to new heights of prowess. There will be a respite in the middle of the Tourney to allow our fighters to recoup and eat. While there is no dayboard planned please bring something for a picnic on the green.
Tournament Format:
Every fighter will have a little bag with their device on it. In that bag will be papers with each of their Authorized forms on them to be drawn before each fight to determine which form they will fight. After a form is drawn it cannot be drawn again. The final four will fight “their best forms” of their choice.
At the beginning of the Tourney every fighter will have the opportunity to challenge the Champion Misha and our Baron Ane du Vey to single combat. Should a fighter win against the Champion they get one free redraw of weapons form during the tourney.
Should the Baron be defeated, that fighter will win the right to choose their weapon form for one fight of their choice.
The fighting format will be a round robin tourney to determine the final four fighters to square off in combat. There will be a large blackboard with the tourney list showing who won and which weapons form was used to aid in the betting process as well as score keeping. There will be a second chalkboard with the entire round listed out showing who is fighting who to help speed up the betting process at the beginning of each round. This will also allow time for fighters to change their weapons or gauntlets as needed.
Fighters Will need a Herald and a tourney shield for the list tree. If you need a tourney shield please speak with Thomas de Marr’ for available blanks.
There is a Facebook event page for planning purposes as
Site Opens: 10am
Site Closes: 5pm
Registration: Adults $15
Youth 6-16 $10
Children 0-5 Free
$5 Discount for Members Applies to Youth and Adults.
Make Checks Payable to: SCA-MAINE, INC. ENDEWEARDE
Accessibility: The event site is accessible per the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter’s Checklist