Extended Archery Practice Season

October 17, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Chateau du Vey

Our Archery Captain, Lord Njall, has approved an extended archery practice season! We’re setting up a range at the home of Sir Ane du Vey and Mistress Sylvia du Vey in Bucksport. Practice will be at the same time as Fighting and Fencing practice, starting at 1 PM on Sundays, weather permitting.

****REMINDER, whereas this is an official SCA practice, proof of vaccination or a medically supervised negative COVID test within 72 hours of the start of practice (home kit not approved) must be provided. Masks required if not engaged in active combat (so all archers at all times).  Here is a link to the SCA COVID policy:  https://www.sca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210829-Proof-of-Vaccination-or-Negative-Test-Policy-FAQs.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1uk32Jar5sy9xn2ydR08dHx3EUM_rctH3PooKyxRBinv6BRgvPVkwvx6U