As many know, our beloved Baroness and Baron of Endewearde, Agatha and Otto, have been called away from our fair lands to the Kingdom of An Tir. While they are irreplaceable, we must have polling to advise the Crown as they select our next Territorial Heads.
About the Polling
You have to be a paid member of the SCA in order to advise the crown in a polling. You will receive a polling ballot and a reply envelope in the main. Ballots are mailed to the residence listed on your membership, and you must mail the ballot. There is no digital polling method, only paper, envelope, stamp, and mail.
Ballots were mailed on Friday, July 22, 2022. The polling officially begins July 23, 2022.
When you receive your ballot, please read the instructions before filling it out.
When you have filled out your ballot, mail it to the Kingdom Polling Deputy. Ballots must be received by August 31, 2022 to be counted. A stamped & addressed return envelope has been included with each ballot to help make this process easy.
If you don’t receive a ballot, it is most likely because you were not a paid member of the Barony when pollings were sent out. You may direct questions about this to the Baronial Seneschal.
Who Is On the Ballot
You will choose from the following candidate pairs:
Master Godric of Hamtun (Raymond Sprague Sr.) and Mistress Margaret of Rochester (Andrea Sprague)
The Honorable Lord Gwillim Kynith (Brian Hubbard) and Lady Melisaunde de Vianne (Jae Rose)
About the Candidates

The Honorable Lord Gwillim Kynith and Lady Melisaunde de Vianne
We have been living and playing in Endewearde for about 20 years now. During that time, we’ve been involved in music, fencing, dancing, archery, brewing, camping, wood working, fiber arts, cooking, and all manner of things SCA. As active members of Endewearde’s populace as autocrat, gate keeper, marshal, chronicler, A&S minister, baronial champion, and as a two-time seneschal and lady, we’ve learned something very important about this group: Endewearde doesn’t need more leaders. We’ve got leaders by the score. We’ve got strong, skilled, dedicated folks who love the SCA and play hard, celebrate each other’s passions with gusto, share what they know, and learn more about what they don’t know. Every one of you is a leader!
As your baron and baroness, it would fall to us to provide ample opportunities for each of you to do what you’re good at and what you love doing. We would celebrate each and every person in the barony, be they fighters or fencers, artists or archers, cooks or calligraphers… raising you up so that all can see your works and skills! As we celebrate your successes, so must we shoulder your burdens as our own. Times are not always wonderful and joyous, and we know that there’ll come a time when you need help. We will do our best to be there for you in times of need as well as those times of joy.
Our humility, our love for Endewearde, our joy in seeing friends recognized for their efforts, our willingness to serve, and our exuberance for pageantry are all characteristics upon which we will rely heavily if we’ve chosen as Endewearde’s next baron and baroness.
Lady Melisaunde and Lord Gwillim

Master Godric of Hamtun and Mistress Margaret of Rochester
Godric and I have been active in Endewearde for more than two decades. In that time, we have participated in martial activities and arts and sciences, attending countless camping and day events, practices, and revels. This has prompted us to serve the people of Endewearde, the East Kingdom, and the Knowne World.
Our primary focus through this has been our community. We have met people from all over and made lasting friendships. We’ve watched as those around us have explored new possibilities and reached upward to meet their goals. We wish to lead in encouragement and celebration as our community grows and strengthens.
Yours in service,
Mistress Margaret