As you may know, Lord Rufus, Lady Admiranda, and I have had a pet project going for a couple of years now. After several years of attending public demos in areas with little to no shade, we decided a baronial pavilion was in order. A big enough tent would allow several display tables, room enough for guests to pass through (with strollers or wheelchairs), and the option to hang walls for shade in late morning and late afternoon sun (or rain showers). At events, it could be used for welcoming guests, serving meals, hosting A&S classes, or even holding a cozy court.
To start, we looked around to see what vendors had to offer for sizes and prices. We looked at Panther Pavilion and Tentsmiths for large, marquee tents. Panther has a 20 x 30 ft marquee, but calls for 26 perimeter poles; whereas the 19.3 x 27.2 ft Tentsmiths one calls for 20 perimeter poles. This is important for easier access into and out of the pavilion, fewer ropes on the perimeter to trip on, and materials to maintain. Prices are about the same (more on that in a minute).
It so happens that the Barony of Stonemarche has a Tentsmiths marquee. Here are pictures:

For round numbers, both vendor tents are about $3,000, plus materials for poles, ropes, stakes, finials, and containers. That’s a big number. However, Lord Rufus and Lady Admiranda have raised about $775 and have offered to continue fundraising as long as needed. Surprise benefactors (who will be named at the Tourney of Love (I’ll update this post after the event), have graciously offered to donate about $300 to help fund a baronial pavilion.
Though the Barony does have the funds to buy a pavilion outright, this would be the largest, single purchase the Barony has made to date. Naturally, we should discuss this as a group. If the populace thinks this is a wise purchase, please let the members of the Finance Committee know (either way). Members of the Committee are listed here.
Some points of discussion have been:
- How about a bigger sunshade instead?
- The barony has 2 sunshades (see picture below)
- Who will store & transport it?
- Who will help put it up and take it down?
- Can we buy a used one?

These are good questions. I hope there will be a civil discussion to help us come to some consensus. The Finance Committee can discuss the results of the feedback and make a decision. Alternatively, according to the Baronial Charter, the Seneschal may also call for a vote of the citizens of Endewearde (paying members of the barony) to weigh in (our next Baronial meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 1, 2020). Again, a large expenditure of the Barony’s funds is not taken lightly. Thank you for your input!
Baron Otto Gottlieb